How to Open or View Old Media 100 Media Files
Hello Creative Cow folks!
I have 5gb worth of media from an old Media 100 project from 1998. The actual machine with the Media 100 software is long gone.
I have tried everything I can given my current Mac hardware to access these files (I don’t care about the project at this point, I just want to be able to view the media), but no luck. I have among other things:
Installed legacy Media 100 codecs
Downloaded the current Media 100 trial from Boris FX
Tried computers running OS 10.9.5, 10.7.2 and 10.6.8
Used Quicktime 7, VLC, FCP, etc.If there’s a suggestion online, and it’s possible with the hardware I have access to, I’ve tried it without success. At this point, I’m looking for help.
I’ve placed sample media on DropBox (two audio and two video files):
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/108418177/Media100Test/Marty%20CU%20E2.aiff.M1QA.a1.1If anyone out there can open these files, please let me know how you did it; I’ll be forever grateful and bake you some awesome cookies.