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Activity Forums VEGAS Pro How to Display Current Frame Number?

  • How to Display Current Frame Number?

    Posted by David Martin on November 24, 2024 at 11:16 am

    I’ve configured my timeline to show time and frames. However, that’s the only place the frame numbers appear. If I want to navigate to a specific frame number, I need to zoom in to the point where can view individual frames, but that is onerous and time consuming.

    I can set the Time Format to Absolute Frames and can perform a Go To and enter the frame number. The problem is that the Absolute Frame number and the frame numbers that appear in the timeline are not the same.

    I’m not sure of the difference between Frames and Absolute Frames, but there must be a way to jump to a specific Frame number as displayed in the timeline, or at least display the current frame number for the cursor location.

    Any ideas?

    David Martin replied 2 weeks, 1 day ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Hector Vera

    November 26, 2024 at 4:52 pm

    Hello David, I saw you also posted in the Vegas forums when I looked this issue up:–147876/ Not sure if you show the answers there.

    With my answers, would have love to see some images of what you are explaining about so I know more visually on how you can view the exact frame rates of each of your timeline clips.

    Here is something in additional that I found too:–143907/

    When I looked up Absolute Frames, I stumble across the Freeze Frame technique as well. Not sure if its what you are looking for but it may be worth a check if it helps better on viewing your frames data better in your Vegas Timeline. Best of luck and hope something I say here helps!

  • David Martin

    November 27, 2024 at 3:44 pm

    Now I can’t re-create the problem, which is good and bad. For the good, it seems to be working as expected. For the bad, I look like a fool after posting the question. Maybe the problem will recur and I’ll take some screen shots.

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