How much are licencing fees and when exactly these fees apply for short films?
Good day,
A known association that holds a festival and screenings year-round in different cities and online has contacted me requesting me the price for them screening my film at non-commercial and commercial screenings. They also want to speak with me about the possibility of licensing my film for them to offer it online on their Vime account for three years.
My film is about a Syrian refugee and it has screened in known humanitarian film festivals with IOM/UN and Amnesty International.
However, this is my first documentary short film and I have absolutely no idea how to respond to this person.
My first question is:
1) Do people license short films? Is this known?
2) How much should I charge to license my short film for non-commercial or commercial screening? I know that the price can go up to hundreds of thousands for known films, so I’m just curious to know if anyone has an idea about less commercial short films like mine?
3) I was planning to release the film on Youtube, so if they’re asking to pay to license the film, does that mean I can’t put it online anymore. Because, if it’s already online on Youtube for free, why would they pay to show it? Or can I still charge the fees for them to show my short film even if the film is already on Youtube??
4) What else should I watch out for??? I’m totally new to this.
I hope that you can help me!!!
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