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Activity Forums VEGAS Pro How can I heal a splice?

  • Theo Van laar

    July 30, 2009 at 10:15 pm

    ‘How can I heal a splice, and make it behave as if the splice never existed?’

    Do you mean that you want to rejoin two segments of a clip that you have split previously? And it is to late for Ctrl Z?

    Turn off the ripple edit and delete one of the events. Then you extend the other one by dragging the ends till the gap is filled.


  • Hugh Macdonald

    July 31, 2009 at 1:30 am

    Vegas should fix this. I have several times split all channels thinking I was just splitting one. Then after additional editing I find the error and don’t want to control-Z myself backwards and lose all the editing I’ve done.
    Similarly, f the two split segments have filters or keyframes, the delete and stretch method loses all that.
    As I said, anyone know how to tell Vegas to fix this — I’ve hated it since version 1.

  • Norman Willis

    July 31, 2009 at 4:11 am

    >>As I said, anyone know how to tell Vegas to fix this — I’ve hated it since version 1.

  • John Rofrano

    July 31, 2009 at 10:58 am

    All you do is delete the second event and drag the first one out to the same length. The split will be gone. You could easily write a script to do this in one click if it bothers you that much but it’s only two clicks anyway.


  • Hugh Macdonald

    July 31, 2009 at 11:07 am

    John, read back, this method is no better than control-z.
    If you have edited both parts of the clip, i.e. time has past, then there can be keyframes, fx, other, that you might want to keep. Deleting one piece loses any changes.
    Unsplit would help a lot.

  • Edward Troxel

    July 31, 2009 at 2:54 pm

    [Hugh Macdonald] “Vegas should fix this.”

    There’s NOTHING to FIX. Vegas will split exactly what you tell it to split. It will ONLY split SELECTED events. If it just so happens that you have NO events selected, it will then split everything under the cursor. So if you only want it to split one event, select that one event first.

    BTW, Excalibur has an “unsplit” tool built into it.

    Edward Troxel
    JETDV Scripts

  • John Rofrano

    July 31, 2009 at 4:26 pm

    > If you have edited both parts of the clip, i.e. time has past, then there can be keyframes, fx, other, that you might want to keep. Deleting one piece loses any changes.

    Oh I see… you’re correct. That would be a pretty complex unsplit because it would have to combine FX yet know which preset would turn the FX off for the event that didn’t have it applied and add more keyframes to allow for that. Not trivial.


  • Hugh Macdonald

    July 31, 2009 at 10:17 pm

    I think it is quite easy. Vegas already does this when you shorten or lengthen a clip. E.g. when shortened from the left it moves the keyframes to start at the new beginning or when changed on the right it adjusts the keyframes there.
    Crop and FX and keyframes are just lists of frame numbers and settings. Unsplice would only have to concatenate the two lists.

    Which reminds me Vegas should allow cut and splice from one clip to another clip. You can only cut and splice within a clip. Vegas is very deficient in transferring “attributes” from one clip to another compared to Final Cut which allows you to select which FX to transfer.

  • Hugh Macdonald

    August 1, 2009 at 3:22 am

    Yes, if you never make a mistake you don’t need UNDO either.

    The problem is human psychology, expectation, etc, the whole human interface thing. For example, if the screen tracks are large or other tracks are some distance from the one I’m working on, or I’ve clicked on a setting somewhere there is no salient clue that the track I’m looking at is not the selected track.

    If all the tracks glowed bright pink or a animated glowing line went from top to bottom when I split globally then I could quickly do UNDO. But since I have missed the global split many times I think UNSPLIT is a great idea and would speed my work and eliminate errors down the line.

    Also when I sometimes reconsider and take out an edit, I would love to UNSPLIT it to make it visually consistent for me the editor.

  • John Rofrano

    August 2, 2009 at 12:37 am

    > Crop and FX and keyframes are just lists of frame numbers and settings. Unsplice would only have to concatenate the two lists.

    That assumes that both events have the same FX applied. If they don’t, you need to make new keyframes to turn off the FX where they are not wanted. The problem is, there is no preset to “turn off” the FX and each FX has it’s own unique set of settings. So it’s not as easy as it appears.


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