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Activity Forums JVC Cameras HD100 size figured out

  • HD100 size figured out

    Posted by Nate Weaver on April 8, 2005 at 5:59 am

    So with the high-res press photos linked on the JVC Euro website, I was able to figure out how big the camera is.

    To make a long story short, the camera, in the config we’ve been seeing, is 17.25 inches long from the back of the battery to the front edge of the lens hood. I figured this out using the known distance between two XLR pins (8mm).

    When viewed at 1:1 ratio on my 17″ powerbook screen, it’s way off both side edges. Anybody who was thinking this is a small camera is going to be surprised.

    Deleted User replied 19 years, 9 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Ken Freed jvc

    April 8, 2005 at 1:10 pm

    Nate, The music wasn’t my cup of tea but the work was very good.

    The camera is interesting in its size and shape becasue when you hold it you end up putting your hand in the lens strap. Then when you put your eye to the viewfinder (LCD color not CRT B&W) you realize the camera is now sitting perfectly fine on your shoulder. The round pad is on the side of your head.

    It is okay on the shoulder because its short length makes your arm just about straight up close to your chest.

    The difficulty in answering questions now is that any one detail could be changed at the last minute so it is now best to wait.

    For example it appears the battery is a consumer battery for lower cost and ease of simple use. We think so many will be powered from AC on a tripod or truck.

    The HDD may not be final by NAB.

    Sorry Gary. It’s only a week.

    Ken Freed JVC
    1700 Valley Road
    Wayne, NJ 07470
    (800) 526-5308 x5419

  • Guy Barwood

    April 8, 2005 at 1:22 pm

    [Ken Freed JVC] “Sorry Gary. It’s only a week.”
    If you meant me (Guy, the annoying one with all the leading questions!) then thats ok, no harm in trying is there 😉

    The reason I am keen to get some questions answered is because I write an article for the Australian Video Producers Association, which has many members who would be interested in hearing about it, but the due date for the article is about the 15th. Ok so thats only one of the reasons, the other is personal interest 😉

    Things like this battery info. It doesn’t matter really if it uses ‘consumer’ batteries like the ones on the DV301, but the only concern is that I find the battery life of this battery on the 301 to be very poor, especially when compared to what Sony seem to be able to get out of theirs. If the battery life comes anywhere near theirs, then it doesn’t matter, those batteries aren’t too expensive if I import them from the US (they are horrendously expensive here).

    I’d like to hear your thoughts on the problem of support for pro gear here though (with no apparent Pro division in country anymore), perhaps you could set me straight on that one in the mean time.

  • Deleted User

    April 13, 2005 at 6:42 am

    [Ken Freed JVC] “… the viewfinder (LCD color not CRT B&W) …”

    Ken: Can the color LCD viewfinder on the GY-HD100 be unplugged?

    If so, is the VF socket plug-compatible with one of JVC’s pro B&W _CRT_ viewfinders?

    I’m suppose the color LCD on the new cam will be OK, but I suspect it won’t be anywhere near as sharp for focussing as a conventional, pro B&W CRT VF.

    Please advise.

    All the best,

    – Peter

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