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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects HD to NTSC SD comp setup?

  • HD to NTSC SD comp setup?

    Posted by Matthew Keane on January 11, 2006 at 2:43 pm

    Hi, I’ve just finished working on a PAL DVD, and now the client has asked about the possibility of making an NTSC version. The original project is a series of 1920×1080 HD animation comps in After Effects which were then assembled in PAL sequences in Final Cut Pro.

    I’m assuming that doing the conversion in AE is better than using the PAL rendered FCP sequence – especially as we don’t have any plug-ins, like the Nattress one, for doing this.

    Would a good approach to this be to create one long AE comp with the complete HD sequence and then drop it into an NTSC SD resolution comp at 29.97fps? I could then render that comp out uncompressed ready for MPEG2 encoding. Do I have to apply pulldown to the render to allow for the different frame rates?

    Apologies for my ignorance, but being from PAL-land, NTSC and pulldown has always been a mystery to me!


    Matthew Keane replied 18 years, 11 months ago 5,933 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Matthew Keane

    January 13, 2006 at 9:12 am

    Thanks for that, Dave. The lazy part of me was wondering whether I could get away without changing the frame rate in all the comps, as the AE guy went a bit mad with his pre-comps and there are over a hundred of them! But I guess it won’t take that long, and the results will probably be better.


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