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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects HD RAM Preview

  • HD RAM Preview

    Posted by Alisa Placas on April 1, 2005 at 12:06 am

    I am on a 2.5 G5 with 2GB RAM.
    I am trying to preview some HD 1920×1080 compositions in After Effects via a Blackmagic Decklink HD Pro card to and Ikegami HD monitor.

    It is stuttering and not able to handle the preview.
    I set my Maximum RAM Cache up to 75%, equaling 1535MB.
    I do not have Disk Cache enabled.

    I have a second internal harddrive for renders (250MB). Should I enable the disk cache and assign it to that drive?
    Are there any other suggestions for getting this preview to work? Do I need more RAM? If so, how much is enough?

    Thank you.

    Alisa Placas
    Lucid Animation
    Cambridge, MA

    Alisa Placas replied 19 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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