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Activity Forums Avid Media Composer Handing off a Project to another editor – But need to send only relevant media

  • Handing off a Project to another editor – But need to send only relevant media

    Posted by Alan Callaghan on May 4, 2015 at 3:48 pm

    I have a project that is 8TB. I need to copy this project to another editor, but he just need the relevant media not all the RAW files. The sequence/program he needs would probably be 2 TB. I don’t want to buy another 8TB external drive if all he needs is way less than that.

    Is there a way to take the sequence in Avid, consolidate (export) all the relevant MXF files to a drive so that way he has just the main program (with some handles) and not every single MXF file and every bin in my project?

    Basically can I send him an “online” so he can make some edits, and do whatever changes he needs to do on his end?

    thanks for your time, and help!


    Alan Callaghan replied 9 years, 7 months ago 3 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Alan Callaghan

    May 4, 2015 at 4:15 pm

    I also acknowledge that what I’m asking is painfully obvious.

    I just wanna make sure that when I select a sequence, hit “Consolidate” and choose a different drive, that only the relevant media will be copied over for editing.


  • Shane Ross

    May 4, 2015 at 4:27 pm

    Yes…that is what you do. Choose the sequence, use CONSOLIDATE…add handles, choose a different drive…and then let it go. Then only the footage IN THE CUT will be transferred.

    Little Frog Post
    Read my blog, Little Frog in High Def

  • Alan Callaghan

    May 4, 2015 at 4:29 pm

    Thanks Shane,

    I just needed a little encouragement!

    Do I give them the project file too, or will one be created during the consolidate ?

    thanks again for responding!


  • Juris Eksts

    May 4, 2015 at 5:41 pm

    When you consolidate, do it into a bin called ‘consolidate xxx’ (without the quote marks) A new timeline will be created during the consolidate. Give the editor a copy of that bin – ‘consolidate xxx.avb’, it will have the timeline and all information.

  • Shane Ross

    May 4, 2015 at 6:11 pm

    AND make sure to tell them the project settings…1080p 23.976 or 720p 59.94 ot 1080i 59.94. So that they can make a project that matches the media and sequence you are giving them.

    Little Frog Post
    Read my blog, Little Frog in High Def

  • Alan Callaghan

    May 4, 2015 at 6:12 pm

    Awesome, I will Shane.

    I followed your instructions and It all worked perfectly! Thanks so much!


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