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Activity Forums DSLR Video Hacked CF card crashed Canon 7D ?

  • Hacked CF card crashed Canon 7D ?

    Posted by Alan Callaghan on June 21, 2015 at 4:10 pm

    Has anybody encountered this?

    My buddy was borrowing a 5D from friend, with it he included a “hacked” CF card that I think allows the 5D to shoot a high bit rate, or has a higher dynamic range.

    My buddy took the card and put it in his 7D, unformatted, and started to roll. Within minutes the top display said “error” and would not shut off, unless the battery was pulled. His 7D is not that old, but now it seems to keep getting locked up after filming for 10 mins or so. Sometimes the screen goes purple with noise.

    Could the “hacked” CF card killed his 7D? What else could be wrong if not that? Is there a fix?

    Thanks for the help!


    Steve Crow replied 9 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Steve Crow

    June 21, 2015 at 6:44 pm

    When you say “hacked” I think you are talking about the alternate “Magic Lantern” firmware upgrade. As you can see from their download site here: – the software is customized to each specific Canon camera model so because you were using 5D firmware in a 7D it’s not surprising it caused a crash. I’ve heard of Magic Lantern crashes where the only way to resolve was to take the batteries out of the camera, so that’s not unusual however Magic Lantern is considered actually very stable in the vast majority of cases.

    Steve Crow

  • Alan Callaghan

    June 21, 2015 at 7:06 pm

    Thanks Steve for the response!

    That is what I mean when I say “hacked”.

    So, is there anything to stop the 7D from locking up or crashing? Factory reset or something?

    Thanks for the help,


  • Steve Crow

    June 21, 2015 at 7:14 pm

    The solution is simply to reformat the card in camera (after taking off all the audio and video files of course) so that you remove the ML firmware that was created for the 5D. Then go to the ML website and download the correct version for the 7D, simple as that. Here’s a warning from the ML web site:

    Very important

    Never delete the Magic Lantern files from the card! Format the card instead.
    After opening the card door, always wait for LED confirmation (or for 5 seconds) before removing the card, even if your camera is turned off!!!

    Right after opening the card door, Canon firmware accesses the card without turning on the LED (yes, with the main switch turned off). If you remove the card too early, the camera will freeze and will drain the battery, or even cause permanent damage! You will be running random code (remember you are loading executable code from the card), and we can’t do anything about it without reflashing Canon firmware with our own code.

    Steve Crow

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