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Activity Forums Adobe Illustrator Grouped and ungrouped 3D objects

  • Grouped and ungrouped 3D objects

    Posted by Maarten Vanhoucke on September 7, 2023 at 12:36 pm

    I would like to alter the (extrude-) x-heighth of separate parts of a grouped 3D object to make a graph.

    What happens is:

    1. when I make a 3D object of the ungrouped vector, every part of it flies all over the place.

    2. When I ungroup the object after making it a 3D object, it turns to 2D again

    3. when I try to adjust separate parts they do not keep the 3D settings they had before

    In the final picture I made a workaround putting separate 3D objects on top each other, and then editing out certain parts to achieve the result I want to see. The problem here is that it is tedious, and also that i can not input exact numbers for the extrusion height

    Oscar Polanco replied 1 year, 1 month ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Oscar Polanco

    October 12, 2023 at 5:37 am


    It seems you’re trying to work with grouped or ungrouped shapes. If you do that each shape will work as an independent shape when you make a 3D object.

    I would recommend you to create the desired 3D effect as a grouped design.

    Use Object > Expand Appearance from the menu — but the 3D effect will no longer be “live” and editable after doing so. You can then select individual pieces and alter their appearance as desired.

    Ungroup the pieces and now you’ll have independent pieces that you can work with and apply independent extrusion heights.

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