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Activity Forums Adobe Illustrator Gerber Edge Printing Machine

  • Gerber Edge Printing Machine

    Posted by Titch Sanders on January 27, 2023 at 4:53 pm

    Hi Folks,

    does anyone on here use a Gerber Edge for printing? I need to learn if possible, how to put a White background to the whole area of my print when printing onto Clear material…?



    Boston Cainfra replied 1 year, 9 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Boston Cainfra

    March 16, 2023 at 10:27 pm

    Hello Titch

    The procedures below must be taken in order to print a white backdrop on clear material using a Gerber Edge printer:

    In your Gerber Edge software, open the design file that you wish to print.

    Name a new layer “background” when creating one.

    Copy the whole design from the original layer to the new “background” layer by selecting it all.

    The “background” layer’s color should be changed to white.

    The white background layer should be sized and positioned so that it completely fills the print area.

    Print the design as usual, making sure to choose the original layer as well as the “background” layer.

    I couldn’t discover any specific YouTube videos for Gerber Edge printers that could walk you through this process. However I did discover a video that might serve as a useful guide, showing how to print on clear vinyl using a Roland VersaCAMM printer:

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