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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Generate Color Bars test pattern

  • Generate Color Bars test pattern

    Posted by Jim Arco on October 31, 2010 at 1:09 pm

    If AE can’t find a particular footage file, it generates a unique color bar/gray-scale pattern with the missing file’s name. I have been purposely including a “missing file” in many of my projects to have access to this pattern to tweak my video monitor every few days.

    In the US NTSC television system, you can use a very specific set of split-field color bars and the blue-only switch on the monitor to get a very accurate color set up on a monitor.

    Does anyone know how close the colors in AE’s pattern are to an authentic “standard” color pattern? Is it consistent across projects?

    Or, even better, is there a way to get a color-bar pattern (or even something close) without buying a hardware test generator or one of the software test tools?

    Jim Arco replied 14 years, 1 month ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Andrew Devis

    October 31, 2010 at 4:56 pm

    Hi, I can’t answer the first part of the question, but if you have the production premium suite or, you have Premiere Pro you will find you have Adobe On Location. On Location has a set of standard colour bars and the blue bars etc and in the help menu you can find out how to use this to set up your monitor properly.

    This is because On Location is used ‘on location’ and there needs to be a standard way to calibrate your laptop monitor to ensure it give a 100% acurate view of what your camera see.

    So, if you have On Location you can use that with your system. If not, sorry I’m not too sure about the rest …

    Hope this helps

  • Chris Wright

    October 31, 2010 at 8:10 pm

    if you have premiere, click file-new-bars and tone. It’s important to note that premiere creates 75% SMPTE bars which is 191.25 RGB. But AE creates full 100% RGB at 255. Why the difference? Premiere was made default for NTSC standards and AE’s missing footage is well, it doesn’t know what you’re doing, could be a animation not made for TV. Keep that in mind when you make your graphics, bars, and tones.

  • Jim Arco

    October 31, 2010 at 10:20 pm

    Thanks for the tip. I have used OnLocation but really didn’t know it had colorbars until just now.

    Next question: How do I get the signal OUT of OnLocation to a monitor connected via firewire?

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