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Activity Forums Media 100 Freeze at Red exit issue

  • Martin Roberts

    April 30, 2013 at 5:07 pm

    I have had this bug ever since installing 2.1 in 2011 and it can be a real pain if l have forgotten to save the latest version of the effect before leaving RED. There have been previous threads on this but no solution has been mentioned maybe someone knows.

  • Jaeson Koszarsky

    May 16, 2013 at 6:57 pm

    I installed the latest Media100 update and this bug persists. It happens to me on a daily basis. In fact, I’m working on a project right now in that Media100/RED bug state.

    The work-around that I use is a tap-dance between the desktop and Media100 windows. If your program window is active and you want to select the bin, click on the desktop first and then the bin. To go from the bin to another window, click the desktop first, then the window you want.

    I’ll do this dance for a while if I’m close to finishing a project. Eventually, a force-quit is required. Tap-dance through your windows and make sure everything is saved before force-quitting.


  • Jaeson Koszarsky

    May 16, 2013 at 7:00 pm

    Forgot to mention… when you are in the Media100/RED bug state, you can tap-dance between windows but some of the keyboard shortcuts don’t work correctly. If I’m in the program timeline, I use the player controls in that window.


  • Rich Johnson

    June 3, 2013 at 7:50 am

    I’ve had this issue since day 1 with several versions and mac OSs and computers with media100. i never got an answer or found a solution. Best advice I can give you is not to have QT player open or have other Media 100 windows open or spanning into monitor #2 ,in the process. This usually brings up the odds for a freeze for me anyway and occurs with systems having dual monitors for some reason.

    I wish they would gather the windows neatly like every other system.

    When this unfortunate and random event happens I right click on the Media100 App icon in my dock and select the project and program to “SAVE” before I force quit out. At least I don’t have to redo the title or comp again.

    Maybe graffiti over Red will solve the issue?? I’m not sure it’s available or would work but I miss that solid app for simple titles like”slates” or disclaimers.


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