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Activity Forums Compression Techniques Format for HD file with 5.1 Dolby Surround for Projection?

  • Format for HD file with 5.1 Dolby Surround for Projection?

    Posted by Matthew Keane on October 5, 2005 at 11:27 pm

    Hi. I’m working on a DVCPro HD project in Final Cut Pro. The client would like to have a file which could be used for projection with 5.1 Dolby AC3 audio, and is keen on the Divx format as it would be played on PCs. I found some HD movie trailors on the Divx site and they look great. I’ve been experimenting with Divx encoding at HD720p resolution on the Mac and, even at the highest data rates, can’t get anywhere near the quality I’d be happy with. Is that a shortcoming of Divx encoding tools on the Mac and should I shift to PC for encoding, or is there another format that would support 720p video and the 5.1 Dolby audio? I wondered about creating a HD DVD, but I’m not sure whether this could be played on PCs. Whatever the format, it will probably be played from a harddrive, so datarate and filesize are not as important as the video quality and dolby audio.

    Grateful for any ideas,


    Matthew Keane replied 19 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Ben Waggoner

    October 21, 2005 at 5:19 pm

    I’d use MPEG-2 for this instead. Divx does a fine job of good quality at moderate data rates, but if you’re trying to get perfect quality irrespective of data rate, MPEG-2’s lower decode complexity is a big help.

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  • Matthew Keane

    October 21, 2005 at 6:01 pm

    Hi Ben,

    Yeah, I’ve been doing some tests and the MPEG2 seems to give better results – hardly surprising given the data rate is about 5 times higher. Having said that, I played around with the latest Divx beta on Mac and was pretty impressed with the image quality, although the playback stutters a bit on slower machines. The MPEG2 is almost perfect, apart from a couple of fast vertical movements – a rostrum-like move over an image in After Effects – which jumps a bit.


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