Follow effect using position.valueatTime() of parented layer?
I have three layers: Null_1, Null_2, and Null_3. Null_1 is parented to Null_2, and Null_3 is referencing the world position of Null1 with an expression on it’s position value.
I have used this expression for years to grab the world position of Null_1, to use as Null_3’s position value:
L = thisComp.layer("Null_1"); L.toWorld(L.anchorPoint)
However, I’d like to delay position value of Null_3 by a few frames, so it follows Null_1, instead of being stuck to it exactly. Usually, I’d run a Null_1.transform.position.valueatTime(time-delay) to create a follow effect, but with the above expression, I’m referencing the anchor point, which doesn’t change over time…
Is there a way to have the return of the above expression be delayed by a set time?