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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Expressions Flow field expression

  • Flow field expression

    Posted by Rogier Hendriks on November 14, 2024 at 3:22 pm


    I have been looking for an expression or maybe even a plugin that can generate a flow field like this:

    I was thinking of a rotation based expression (target) linked to a turbulent noise filter or something?


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    Dan Ebberts
    replied 4 weeks ago
    2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Dan Ebberts

    November 14, 2024 at 5:33 pm

    This application is perfect for noise(), the expressions built-in Perlin noise field generator. I’d start with a rotation expression like this:

    dDiv = 1000; // distance divider
    tDiv = 2; // time divider
    maxAngle = 180; // maximum angle (+ or -)
    r = noise([position[0]/dDiv,position[1]/dDiv,time/tDiv])*maxAngle;
    value + r

    For reference, I used this position expression to position a grid of identical 100×100 layers with anchor point centered:

    hSpace = 100; // distance between columns
    vSpace = 100; // distance between rows
    nCols = Math.round(thisComp.width/hSpace);
    origin = [hSpace,vSpace]/2;
    myCol = (index-1)%nCols;
    myRow = Math.floor((index-1)/nCols);
    origin + [myCol*hSpace,myRow*vSpace];

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