Flare/stroke moving through a path: how to change speed?
Hi all:
I’m doing an animation with a fairly standard effect: a flare moves following a path, while a stroke effect “paints” that path making it look as if the flare was leaving a trail. I did this by copying the “mask shape” property of the path and pasting it as keyframes in the “position” property of the flare. So far so good, etc.
…Except that now I want the flare to move faster, but only starting from a certain point of the animation. I tried doing this by adding a keyframe for the flare at that point, selecting then the last keyframe and moving it backwards; since they are roving keyframes, this preserves the proportions between all the keyframes, but that segment of the animation moves faster now. In case this hasn’t been clear, let’s see if I can do some ASCII art to explain it better:
Where “X” are the first and last keyframe and “O” is the point starting from which the flare should move faster.
The problem is that now that I’ve messed with the keyframes pasted from the path, the Stroke effect is out of sync with the flare, and I don’t really know how to solve it, other than keyframing the Stroke effect by hand (yikes). Has anyone found this problem before? What did you do to solve it?(Really, really, really thanks in advance).