FCPX Project Missing; system restarted during File > Share
After I spent 2 solid days editing a multicam project, I selected File > Share > Master File to export a QuickTime movie. I left the room, and a minute or two later I heard the familiar “Mac Startup” chime. Sure enough, I returned immediately to my office and found my iMac restarting itself.
After I logged in, I launched FCPX (10.2.2). The FCPX Library in which I had been working opened. My event, media, and multicam clip are there…but NO PROJECT! In fact, since I had created just that one project in the only Event in this Library, the “Projects” heading does not even appear within this Event in the Browser (or within the Library itself). Smart Collections > Projects displays “No items match the search criteria for the selected Smart Collection.” In Finder, the QuickTime movie (.mov) file does exist, but its length is zero bytes.
Of course, this is an hour-long, 3-camera project with a tight deadline. Unfortunately, I had not created any project snapshots or backups while editing.
I’d appreciate any suggestions about how to recover the missing project.