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Activity Forums Creative Community Conversations FCP 7 used on PARASITE

  • Tony West

    January 27, 2020 at 11:36 pm

    Thanks Nick. I was just curious because there is so much focus on speed these days.

    ” How fast is the new Mac Pro” ” How fast is this or that”

    He obviously wasn’t concerned with speed using that old program. He seemed more concerned about getting things just as he wanted them. Food for thought maybe.

    We sometimes think of top talent using top gear and better than most folks can get their hands on but that’s not always the case.

  • Oliver Peters

    January 28, 2020 at 2:00 pm

    [Tony West] “He obviously wasn’t concerned with speed using that old program. He seemed more concerned about getting things just as he wanted them. Food for thought maybe.”

    FWIW – speed of the software is rarely an issue with feature film projects. It’s more about how the tool can facilitate the creative process for the editor and/or the director. Each tool has its pros and cons when it comes to that. This is one of the reasons that Avid Media Composer is still the “go to” NLE for veteran feature film editors and why the things that FCPX fans love about it don’t necessarily move the needle for a lot of editors cutting films.

    – Oliver

    Oliver Peters –

  • Tony West

    January 29, 2020 at 12:54 am

    [Oliver Peters] “FWIW – speed of the software is rarely an issue with feature film projects.”

    I don’t know about an “issue” but it’s likely a preference. I guess it depends on the filmmaker and what type of film it is.

    I saw the film last night. What really stood out to me was the story and the performances. I love how it was shot also.

    Joon Ho being a skilled editor himself shoots for the edit so there is not a great deal of free styling in post because he shoots mainly what he needs. When you watch the film you can see that style in the way it all comes together.

  • Oliver Peters

    February 10, 2020 at 1:19 pm

    And it’s the zombie software for the win ☺

    – Oliver

    Oliver Peters –

  • Bob Zelin

    February 10, 2020 at 2:20 pm

    oh no – a resurgence of FCP 7 (because in order to win the next film festival – you have to cut in FCP 7).


    Bob Zelin
    Rescue 1, Inc.

  • Shane Ross

    February 11, 2020 at 1:52 am

    We all know PARASITE only won best picture because FCP 7 was used. That’s what marketing people love to remind us about.

    And yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s flying off the e-bay shelves now. “I WANT AN OSCAR WINNING FILM! MUST HAS FCP 7!! Wait, what do you mean it won’t run on Mojave?”

    Little Frog Post
    Read my blog, Little Frog in High Def

  • Oliver Peters

    February 11, 2020 at 1:28 pm

    [Shane Ross] “And yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s flying off the e-bay shelves now. “I WANT AN OSCAR WINNING FILM! MUST HAS FCP 7!! Wait, what do you mean it won’t run on Mojave?””

    Hey, if old video games can make a retro resurgence – why not old software?!

    But more seriously – tracks, schmacks – editors will cut with whatever software they are most comfortable with.

    – Oliver

    Oliver Peters –

  • Tony West

    February 11, 2020 at 1:55 pm

    And they did it without those collaboration tools.

  • Oliver Peters

    February 11, 2020 at 2:01 pm

    [Tony West] “And they did it without those collaboration tools.”

    True, but it’s wasn’t a multi-editor team. Hence, no need for collaboration tools.

    – Oliver

    Oliver Peters –

  • Tony West

    February 11, 2020 at 2:35 pm

    “True, but it’s wasn’t a multi-editor team. Hence, no need for collaboration tools.”

    That’s my point. Some teams work like that and can do great work without it.

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