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  • FCP 7 Taking forever to export out of the blue

    Posted by Jon Keogh on December 9, 2018 at 8:06 pm

    Hi folks,
    Im one of the dying breed of FCP 7 users. I appreciate everyone’s help, but I’m not looking for “move to FCP X” or “what’re your export features?”

    I’ve exported the same way to PRO RES 422 and 4444 for years upon years. Literally (I never update my computers), the last month, even 2 minute long timelines are taking outwards of 4x normal, sometimes more. a 60 second export just took 6 minutes. When exported, the file is fine, but what the heck is going on?

    Thanks folks!

    David Roth weiss replied 5 years, 12 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • David Roth weiss

    December 9, 2018 at 11:07 pm

    There are several possible answers to your Jon, but you haven’t really provided all the info necessary for a precise answer. What are your sequence settings? What codec are you exporting to? Are you 100% certain everything on your timeline is fully rendered?

    FYI, the “best” technique for exporting from FCP Legacy is to export the entire sequence at its native settings, which should happen lickity split, then use that file to make your export to another codec using Apple Compressor.

    David Roth Weiss
    Director/Editor/Colorist & Workflow Consultant
    David Weiss Productions
    Los Angeles

    David is a Creative COW contributing editor and a forum host of the Apple Final Cut Pro forum.

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