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Activity Forums Adobe Premiere Pro Favorite websites for video draft feedback?

  • Joby Anthony jr

    May 10, 2023 at 8:06 pm

    FWIW Neil, I don’t have experience w/ Dropbox Replay, don’t know what it is, and frankly hadn’t heard of it before. I’m in a large organization which provides Dropbox for us, but I’ve never seen it advertised within our group, even though the video says it’s bundled for free. So maybe our corporate IT has it turned off. Unsure. But . . .

    To Michael’s point. I too burn-in timecode and ask that notes be made back accordingly (via Word or Excel generally). However, when instructions aren’t followed and they put notes back directly into the Comments section of Dropbox, I’ve run into the gotcha that I cannot export those comments. In other words, there’s no way easy way (that I’ve found) to get those comments out of there for passing along to the editor or for archiving with the project. An important step in our workflow environment. And, those comments go away once the file is deleted. So a heads-up gotcha there. Unsure if Replay would provide that option or not, but that’s something to watch for IF being able to download those comments are important.

    And I agree with Michael in that unless the file is downloaded to the computer prior to playback, I get “glitchy” comments back from a Dropbox review if they don’t do that otherwise. Or, I make such a highly compressed file so that easily transports in Dropbox, but it otherwise makes it almost an audio-only review at that point. Again, unsure if Replay would provide a better user experience.

    Re:, I’ve had very limited experience with it, where our client was the paying customer and we just uploaded review copies for them to make their own internal reviews/comments. And then feedback was sent back to our group via email. So the only thing I can comment on here is that uploads were extremely fast. It otherwise seemed slick and competent, and would be tempting if our group could justify the expense over the corporately provided Dropbox account (which at this point, I don’t think I could).


  • Mark Grance

    June 8, 2023 at 8:04 pm

    Used to use Vimeo years ago but it had so many downtime issues that caused me to hang around for hours waiting for my spots to upload. Gave up on them. This was also when they were trying to be an indie movie distributor or something.

    Many of my clients with IT departments do not allow dropbox.

    So now am using They have had some system offline days so that is a concern, but that is what we use. The integration with Adobe is pretty good. For those who haven’t used it recently it is worth a gander.

    You can share either a non-interactive webpage (with download option) or you can share a review site. The review doesn’t not require the user to have an account. It doesn’t require the user to be somewhat savvy about the interface but it’s not too bad.

    Comments link to the sequence in Premiere Pro so no timecode burns or email trails. I’ll admit that I don’t use it when I have lots of people giving feedback. But couple is fine and saves me cataloging email threads.

    We typically just have one account for our company rather than for each user. We pay extra for branding. As I recall there is an account included with Adobe Cloud but not as much storage.

    One BIG ISSUE I have with is that the player doesn’t really support social media aspect ratios. Everything gets placed into a 16×9 viewer. So 9×16 played on a computer is played within a 16×9 viewer. Though if you look at that on your iPhone in full screen mode (vertically) it will fill the screen properly. I have talked to them about this for two years and they keep saying they are working on it.

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