Failed expression because of the identical comp names
Hi guys,
I apologise if this has been asked, but I couldn’t think of an effective keyword to search for this issue.
I built a template that uses expressions, and I refer to some other precomp names in this project. All work fantastically. But from time to time, I need to import some old jobs that use the same template into the new project, which leads to have multiple projects with the same structure. Then my expression will fail because there are several precomps that share the same name. For sure the solution is as easy as changing the precomp names from the old jobs so that the expression won’t get confused which one is which. But my question is that is there a way that I can add some sort of prefix/suffix for all the precomps when I import them in, then I don’t have to jump in to find the identical names for precomps. Maya has this feature to avoid the same issue and it works very well, that’s where I got my inspiration from. I’m aware that AE may not have the same feature, but just wondering is there any other work around?