Event Heal Not Working Properly in Vegas Pro 16
Posted by David Martin on October 15, 2018 at 3:33 amWindows 10 x64
Vegas Pro 16 Build 248A very odd problem. Short clip of music. I want to extend it to the end of the video and then fade out. I add about 8 of these clips, butt them up against each other, then try to heal them. What happens is when I heal the first two clips, the second clip gets extended beyond its original length! So the first clip is the right length but the second clip is longer. It doesn’t happen when they are separate clips.
My solution for the immediate problem of fade out was solved with an audio envelope but that doesn’t fix the healing problem.
Any ideas?
David Martin replied 6 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 6 Replies -
6 Replies
Paul Berk
October 15, 2018 at 4:33 pmI’m not seeing this behavior … but maybe I don’t understand what you are doing. Or maybe I don’t understand why you need to “heal” these events in the first place.
Event heal is meant to “heal” where you have “split” an event. In other words, put the event back together as it was before you did the “split”. I don’t see that it alters the overall length of the two events being healed. .. It comes in handy if you “accidentally” split an event and then trimmed it or otherwise messed up the continuity of the event and want to put it back to where it was before you did that.
David Martin
October 15, 2018 at 5:21 pmHi Paul,
I understand what heal does. I’ve used it before without issue. Here’s what I’m trying to do.
I’m adding sound to a video track, but I don’t want the ending as it is. However, I need the song longer and I just want to repeat a short section over and over as if fades out.
It’s a simple solution: Define a section of the song, copy and paste it so the join is transparent to the listener, then repeat until it’s long enough and fade it out.
The problem is that the section that I copy and paste is very short. I want a long fade and the fade will only fade one event. With me so far?
So I figured I could join a number of clips, two at a time, until I had an event that was long enough for the fade. However, when I heal the first two sections, instead of having one event that is twice as long, the result is longer, with the last section “growing, so it is longer than originally split. Bizarre. As I said, my solution was to use an audio envelope to manually create a long fade over several sections, but it seems the heal problem must must be a bug.
Edward Troxel
October 15, 2018 at 6:29 pmYou can’t “heal” in that case because it’s not one continuous segment. One way to handle this would be to add a Volume Envelope to the track and then reduce the volume over time. But when you have a short section repeated multiple times, it is impossible to “heal” that because you’re not wanting the original before and after of that segment.
David Martin
October 16, 2018 at 3:15 amUnderstand the heal problem, but it should therefore refuse to heal at all, not proceed as if it succeeded but produce the wrong results. Grey out the option on the menu. Misleading. Drove me nuts trying to figure out why it “sort of” worked.
If you read my two previous messages fully you will see that I solved the fading exactly as you suggested.
Edward Troxel
October 16, 2018 at 2:47 pmIt’s probably “sort of” working because the events were all a part of the same clip. If they were parts of different clips, it shouldn’t do anything. However, because they are part of the same clip, I’m sure the script is not checking to see if they really were contiguous.
I just tested in build 261 doing the following:
1. Add a clip to the timeline.
2. Split the event in two places
3. Copied that split piece multiple times back to back
4. Selected the original event and several of the copied pieces.
5. Selected “Event Heal”Only the first copied event was “healed” and the rest were not so it really does seem to be working. Are you on build 261?
David Martin
October 18, 2018 at 4:10 amJust a note that I am working with the audio track, in case that wasn’t clear.
1. I selected an 11-second section within a longer clip.
2. Copy and Pasted it into a new audio track.
3. Pasted the same clip at the end of the first track. Played the two tracks and they worked fine, in that they played the copied clip twice in succession for a total of 22 seconds.
4. Selected both clips and choose Event Heal. They combined into a single event of 22 seconds.
5. Played back and the original copy (11 seconds) played back and the appended clip (duplicate) was totally ignored. Vegas played the first clip beyond the end of the defined area for 22 seconds. In other words, if I had selected and copied 22 contiguous seconds of the audio track as step 1, that’s what it played.I can re-create this behavior on a new audio track, in a blank area of a pre-existing audio track, in the existing project, a new project, anywhere.
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