Essential properties and deep precomps
So, the essential graphics panel removes the need for certain expressions between a nested comp and a main comp. If you drag properties into the Essential Graphics panel, they show up as keyframe-able properties in the main comp. Nice!
I want to keyframe various attributes of a character. The fingers, for example, are several precomps down (Body > arm > hand > fingers). If I drag rotation from fingers to the Essential Graphics panel, I see them as Essential Properties in the “hand” comp. Is there a way to get those essential properties to show up in the “Body” comp, where I control everything from?
Obviously I can create expressions to tie properties between my controllers and any precomp, but it’s a pain because you have to have both comps open, twirl things like crazy, etc. It would be a lot faster to somehow just drag a property from the the Essential Graphics panel into my main controller comp so I can keyframe it.
Just looking for the super easiest way to set up and control attributes several layers down in my precomps. I thought Essential Graphics might be it, but so far they only go one level up.