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Activity Forums Audio EQ and mic character

  • EQ and mic character

    Posted by Micah Felder on March 16, 2022 at 8:10 pm


    This is may be more in line with a mastering or editing forum, but I though I would start here.

    I’m post EQing dialogue tracks from a mid $ hypercardioid (Audix SCX HC) and it lacks some clarity on the top end. Little muffly to my ears…

    I got spoiled with Scheops tracks 😥


    Can you convincingly re-EQ a mic’s signature sound in post without it turning into a mess?

    I have thus far boosted highs and cut some lows but it just falls apart. Any suggestions or techniques?


    Thanks so much


    Micah Felder replied 2 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Chris Wright

    March 26, 2022 at 1:09 am

    try lowering 150-300 hz to remove muddy low end and raise 1250 and raise 5k for clarity

    also, one method to match mics is to play pink noise in both and then in spectral view, make them match up.

    you can also add multiband compression to change dynamic response non-linearly across the spectrum.(no more than 1.5x-2x) which gives people the special ability to speak louder only at specific frequencies. Har-ball used to do the opposite and gave control over that.

    TDR NOVA is a free plugin and has built in volume per freq and compressor adjustments. This newer tech is called ‘dynamic equalizing’.

    once you get the clarity back, you can use a studio reverb at 1% at 150hz which gives a subtle 416 smooth sound.

  • Micah Felder

    April 4, 2022 at 12:06 pm

    Wow Chris

    Very specific and helpful. Employing those techniques now and they are helping to revive these tracks..


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