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Activity Forums Compression Techniques Episode Pro – weird color problem

  • Episode Pro – weird color problem

    Posted by Jeremy Allen on November 20, 2007 at 5:49 pm

    I’m encoding some material exported from After Effects. It’s mostly HVX200 footage, shot at 24PN, mixed with some very simple graphics. It’s basically a talking head/lower third deal.

    I’ve been using Episode Pro and Compression Master before that for a couple years now and have never seen this problem. I’m encoding to H264 and I’ve tried several different formats set up for streaming (mp4,mov, etc) with the same results. The color is shifting in a weird way, almost like the green channel is being offset about 20 pixels down.

    I’ve probably encoded a few hundred videos and I’ve never seen this happen with any format. Anybody know what’s going on? I think I’ve read about this in other situations (not encoding) and I think there is a name for it, but I can’t remember it. Any Help would be greatly appreciated.

    Jeremy Allen replied 17 years ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Craig Seeman

    November 20, 2007 at 9:13 pm

    Which version of Episode are you using? 4.4?
    What are your settings?
    How are you viewing the encoded file?

    If you can give me your email address I can get you FTP info if you’d be willing to upload a bit of source file, settings, a sample encode.

    BTW Cow has a forum specific to Episode.

  • Jeremy Allen

    November 20, 2007 at 11:52 pm

    I’m using Episode Pro 4.3.2. I just got the update, but haven’t installed it yet. I’ll do that now. Viewing on an Apple 23″ Cinema. The AE render looks fine, I’m only having this problem after the EP encode. I’ve tried several different formats with the same results. I also tried a different .mov (different project) from Final Cut and it looks fine after the encode.

    this is the process from shoot to encode:

    HVX200, DVCPRO HD 720P60, 24PN> P2 (MXF) >
    Final Cut Import (quicktime wrapper, DVCPRO HD 720P60) >
    Automatic Duck export to AE, 16bit project>
    AE render (quicktime, animation) >
    Episode Pro encode: H264 mov, H264 mp4

    I should also mention this is my first time using Automatic Duck. For those not familiar, you export an XML file from final Cut, import that into AE and it brings in all the native media from your FCP timeline.

    And to clarify, I changed the AE project back to 8bit, rendered that, and the encoding results are the same..

    I looked for an Episode Pro forum, must have missed it somehow..

  • Craig Seeman

    November 20, 2007 at 11:58 pm

    Cow Episode Forum.

    Install 4.4. There’s many changes in H.264 encoding for example so do try with that ASAP and post back.

    If you still see the issue I’d like to get a hold of your source files somehow.

  • Jeremy Allen

    November 21, 2007 at 12:09 am

    Thanks so much for your time Craig. I’ll do that right away. Also, I found the Episode forum, and posted the problem there. If you don’t mind, we can continue the discussion there for simplicity.

    I’ve been reading these forums for a couple years, but am new to posting. Is there a way to delete the post in this forum?

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