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Activity Forums Avid Media Composer Ensure the Red Camera Proxy in Avid Workflow

  • Eric Santiago

    November 21, 2017 at 7:22 am


    Installed Avid MC 8.9.3 on Mac.
    Source browser works with link/import.
    Avid AAF export from RCX is still broken.
    I created a quick sequence with a few short Helium clips.
    Transcoded then exported to AAF.
    Able to import timeline and use original Helium RAW in Resolve 12.5.
    Happy camper here 🙂

  • Michael Phillips

    November 21, 2017 at 1:22 pm

    I’m glad you got a solution working. Would it be possible to get a sample Helium R3D file from you that production allows you to send? I don’t care what the image is. What version of RedCineXPro were you using that AAF’s were not working? I would like to test that out on my end.

    if possible,,, dropbox, etc to michael[at]24p[dot]com


  • Eric Santiago

    November 23, 2017 at 5:26 am

    Thanks, Michael I will send that asap.

    At first, I was using RCX Build 50 on Windows 10.
    I then tried it on a pretty old build maybe 32 on my Mac.
    I upgraded to latest and still no go.
    I’ll send you a Dropbox link offline.

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