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  • Encore CS5 – why no buzz?

    Posted by Jim Arco on April 17, 2010 at 12:30 pm

    With all the whooping and hollering about After Effects, Photoshop, etc why is there almost no buzz about Encore CS5?

    There was so little press about Encore CS5 that I had to go searching. Adobe’s web site mentions some stuff about web dvds and better BD authoring, but NOT a lot of detail.

    For my (rather simple) uses Encore CS4 has been pretty stable. But we know it has had some disappointments, particularly with complex projects and blu-ray authoring.

    Can I now trust it enough to start thinking about more complex authoring?

    Larry Applegate replied 14 years, 7 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Amit kumar Gupta

    April 19, 2010 at 12:52 pm

    While AE and PR are big products, Encore just comes free with PR. So its obvious that you will hear a lot more about AE & PR.
    See the feature list of Encore CS5
    It has exciting features for all the users. 4K mastering, AVCHD output, 24P project, cross platform, 64 bit background transcoding by AME are certainly going to help complex project users

  • Jon Geddes

    April 19, 2010 at 7:52 pm

    I just posted a link on my blog here that takes you to the CS5 help files. In the help files, you can read in detail how each feature works in Encore CS5 and the other apps.

    The flash export feature has been improved, with more formats (HD) and a much better player (the interface used to control the flash video).

    You can now transcode your imported videos through AME, just like Premiere does.

    The multi-page Blu-ray menu looks interesting, as it says it is for Pop-up or regular menus. It does state that animated buttons are not supported on multi-page menus.

    Go check it out.

    Jon Geddes

  • Larry Applegate

    April 20, 2010 at 3:19 am

    Blu-ray authoring is finally practical for more than just a very basic project. The multi-page menus are very good, and can make popup menus just like the big boys. It also seems easier to keep track of the pages all in one Photoshop file.

    True, no animated buttons, you can only have 18 buttons, and your selected and activated button images and colors are limited by some DVD restrictions. But there is enough to work with to create some very nice results. Encore is also more stable and reliable.


    Larry Applegate

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