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Activity Forums Adobe Encore DVD Encore adding a (secret) extra marker to the first chapter of a Blu-ray

  • Encore adding a (secret) extra marker to the first chapter of a Blu-ray

    Posted by Guy Burns on December 31, 2019 at 1:46 am

    This bug has been with me since I started using Encore in 2013. I haven’t worried about chapter markers since then, but now I have a project where I want to list the chapter numbers on the cover, so this bug is now a problem.

    I’m running CS6 under OSX 10.9.5. Here is an outline of a typical project:

    • one timeline with multiple files (chapters)
    • files come in from Premiere as h.264 and wav, and show as “Don’t Transcode”
    • the chapter boundaries I want are the file boundaries
    • Premiere does not include any chapter markers
    • I don’t add any chapter markers. I let Encore do that automatically, one at each file boundary
    • Encore does NOT show the extra chapter marker that it secretly adds.
    • When I preview in Encore, the extra marker is not active.
    • The first chapter in the built Blu-ray – the relevant m2ts file inside the “Stream” folder – has the correct length.

    Yet, when I play the disk in a Blu-ray player, or in a software player, that extra chapter marker is there.

    I’ve tried workarounds such as…

    • using a Playlist with the first chapter on it’s own timeline, then all the other chapters on a second timeline

    • removing all the auto-placed markers and replacing them with my own

    …but the extra marker is still there, but only when I build to Blu-ray. The only solution seems to be to renumber the chapters on the printed cover, putting up with an extra marker in the first chapter.

    Anyone come across this problem? Know of a workaround or solution?

    Jan Janowski replied 4 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Jan Janowski

    January 2, 2020 at 1:19 pm

    CS6 on PC…
    I have always inserted chapter stops in Premiere, but only as a location marker in Premier for reference…. Though I first Loved Export to Encore, I no longer use it, as the export to Encore is in RGB Colorspace (16-235) and I prefer YUV Colorspace (01-254)….. So I’m exporting for DVD or BR from Premiere using Encore, which drops all chapter stops….

    That’s why I put chapter stops in Premiere….. After exporting the DVD or BR file, I write down on piece of paper the chapter stop locations…. and after the YUV Footage is imported as an asset in Encore, I then go into timeline and add chapter stops, from my paper notes…..

    I was making a BR Test Pattern Display Alignment Disc. at high bandwidth capture, with many many chapter stops, and Encore CS6 had trouble playing that High bandwidth footage…. and so I used that trick to get chapter stops in correct location, by entering time in viewer, and then adding a chapter stop…..

    This way, in my DVD or BR’s I get the chapter stops where I want them, and video in YUV Colorspace (01-254) too!!!

    Hope this helps…

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