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Activity Forums Adobe Media Encoder Encode settings with a max frame size

  • Encode settings with a max frame size

    Posted by Xavier Paredes on May 26, 2020 at 8:42 pm

    Dear forum members,

    Is there a way to create a preset in Adobe Media Encoder that will allow you to define maximum width and height frame dimensions?

    I have 1112 short videos all with crazy different frame sizes. For example:

    208 x 192
    520 x 708
    1016 x 688
    … and everything in between!

    I would like to be able to encode these videos so that the resulting videos do not go over a max width or height BUT at the same time maintain their original aspect ratio.

    For instance, I would set a max width of 768 and a max height of 640. Using the same example frame sizes above, the following would happen when encoded:

    208 x 192 (this video would stay the same size because neither width nor height go over the max values in the preset)
    520 x 708 (this video would be scaled down to 467 x 640 because the height is greater than the max height allowed in the preset)
    1016 x 688 (this video would be scaled down to 768 x 519 because the width is greater than the max height allowed in the preset)

    Sorry for the long post but I have tried my best to explain what I need.

    Thank you!

    PS: I do know that I can do this by changing the frame dimensions in each comp in After Effects but I would like to not do that if possible.


    Xavier Paredes replied 4 years, 6 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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