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  • Embedding TC with RaveHD

    Posted by Ramona Howard on March 15, 2006 at 7:52 pm

    Fellow grazers,

    One of the newest features added to RaveHD is embedding TC into the DPX header for content that has no incoming TC from a (RP188)stream. This feature now allows decks without this capability to benefit from that of the higher-end decks and allows the content to maintain the TC thruout the workflow. RaveHD has always supported the embedding feature from the SDI stream and based on customers feedback we now get this on any content. This information can be found on the GUI/Batch Capture page.

    Video tutorials are slated to make it in by the end of the week but the website pretty much explains it all. 2.0 is growing rather quickly now so changes to the site take a bit of time from the actual shipping product.

    As always we look forward to hearing your thoughts and suggestions. Please let us know if you have any trouble viewing as we are still working on perfecting the wiki.

    *For those not familiar, RaveHD is an uncompressed, frame based DDR/VTR replacement product.

    RaveHD – Changing the way you think about HD

    Ramona Howard replied 18 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Ramona Howard

    March 16, 2006 at 6:54 pm

    Based on some feedback a clarification needs to be made.

    RaveHD is a Linux based product using commodity hardware, it’s own I/O driver, RS422 library, Image library and a software application written entirely from the ground up. Because of these factors we are able to push both hardware and software beyond what other application may or may not do.

    SpectSoft is a privately held company that specializes in solutions for the higher-end, multi-user studio and specifically addresses issues for the film to video, video to film workflows.

    I hope that answers some of the questions that have come up.


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