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Activity Forums Video Copilot Element 3D v2.2.2: Three group folders after export/import only one group folder

  • Element 3D v2.2.2: Three group folders after export/import only one group folder

    Posted by Hein Daddel on March 27, 2021 at 10:45 pm

    Hello, I have created three group folders in ‘After Effects 2021/Element 3D’ and defined the folders with different names. The three group folders contain objects and the material. Since I also need this scene in another proect, I exported it via: Effect Controls E3D/Element/Utilities/Group Export/Export Obj/Generate. In a new project I then imported the saved OBJ file in Scene Setup. All objects and materials were saved in a group folder. For a better understanding I have attached two pictures. The original scene and the scene after the import. Do you have a tip for me how I can solve the problem? Greetings

    Hein Daddel replied 3 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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