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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects effect name? Thanks!

  • Adam Greenberg

    October 21, 2022 at 1:31 pm

    I don’t think it’s only 1 effect, it is possible there is a plug in someone used, but you can certainly recreate it within after effects yourself.

    I don’t know what level of knowledge you have of after efffects but you can make a texture, and then use a copy of your logo as a matte for that texture, but you would expand the glow of that matte. Then you would animate the intensity and size of the glow with either key frames or the wiggle expression. There are infinite tweaks you can do with this but usually once you get it started, you will fine tune it to your liking. Do you know what I mean ?

  • Kun Chen

    October 22, 2022 at 1:56 am

    Thank you! i have tried some effect like “Glow” and “Deep Glow”, maybe it’s my reasons the effect don’t look the same 🤣, i think the big difference between my video and the original video is the original video’s glow effect is below the photo, mine is above, on the surface of the photo, i tried some blend mode, but it didn’t work good 😅 probably due to my poor AE knowledge😂

  • Mads Nybo jørgensen

    October 24, 2022 at 1:52 pm

    Hey Kun,

    I don’t have any audio when I play back your clip, but initial thought that it is an effect created in something like BorisFX Beat reactor:

    There are other companies providing similar AE plugins, and you might be able to find a script that can do the same.

    Good Luck 🙂


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  • Kun Chen

    October 27, 2022 at 7:17 am

    The video has no sound is because i was wearing earphone at that time haha😀, Thank for your information! it helped me a lot!🙌

  • John Cuevas

    November 2, 2022 at 2:16 pm

    I think that they used multiple glow effects to achieve that look. One glow for the very strong intense glow around the logo and another much larger and more diffuse glow. Also looks like the diffuse glow is offset in time by a couple frames after the more intense one.

  • Kun Chen

    November 3, 2022 at 1:29 pm

    thank you very much! i will try it! i think it’s a 3rd plugin called sound key 🙌

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