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Edited on Final Cut Pro X link?
Posted by John Davidson on February 6, 2024 at 1:46 amI can’t seem to find an apple link. Does anyone have a link to Apple’s guidelines when placing ‘Edited on Final Cut Pro X’ in film credits?
Ben Balser replied 12 months ago 4 Members · 8 Replies -
8 Replies
Mads Nybo jørgensen
February 6, 2024 at 11:42 amHey John,
I think that you might be looking for this link: be worth reaching out to their team, to ensure that you have an email that says OK from Apple (links on page).
Mads -
Ben Balser
February 6, 2024 at 12:56 pmPeople have been putting “Edited In Final Cut Pro” for over 3 decades, you don’t need Apple’s permission. This came up in an FCP T3 class I was in, back in the day and we were told Apple encourages it, and it’s perfectly legal. I’ve put it on TV shows and films I’ve produced over the past 2+ decades. Apple even had a campaign that encouraged it during the life time of legacy FCP, and again at the beginning of FCPX’s life, but dropped it along with Apple certified training for pro apps. Just state it, it’s perfectly legal to put what products you used to create a film without permission. They can’t force you to keep it a secret.
Mads Nybo jørgensen
February 6, 2024 at 1:01 pmHey Ben,
Final Cut Pro is a registered trademark, so if in doubt, ask.
However, as far as I can see, Apple have not registered FCP or FCPX… 😉
Mads -
John Davidson
February 6, 2024 at 10:13 pmThanks. We used it in a theatrical release back in 2017. I may still have that old credits file somewhere around.
Eric Santiago
February 6, 2024 at 11:02 pmI dont see anything of late in any of the recent Apple FCPX cut shows on Apple TV as far as that screen.
Ben Balser
February 7, 2024 at 2:36 pm“Final Cut Pro is a registered trademark…”
Yes, it is, but that doesn’t mean you can never use the words “Final Cut Pro X” anywhere. We use it all the time on these forums, no one gets sued, it’s not illegal. It is illegal to profit from it. Stating you used it to edit a film is not profiting from it, as what NLE you use has zero bearing on its distribution. It is perfectly legal to say “Edited in Final Cut Pro X” and use the logo in ending credits. Over my long professional career twice this came up, and twice the legal dept said it’s legal fair use. So I’m not in doubt, I have no question about it, I know from actual lawyers, and from Apple internally (I have contracted work with them, I have good friends on the inside).
Plus, Apple is very well aware of how much it. benefits them to have this happen, they quietly encourage it, and the fallout if they sued an FCPX user would be a nightmare for them.
Mads Nybo jørgensen
February 8, 2024 at 10:47 amBen,
The original question was:
“I can’t seem to find an apple link. Does anyone have a link to Apple’s
guidelines when placing ‘Edited on Final Cut Pro X’ in film credits?”And, that is what I provided.
But, as you correctly point out, on bigger jobs it is down to the lawyers to clear all parts on a production.
You are right to assert that Apple is interested in discussions about their products, and that they get mentioned as often as possible.
But there is a fine hair-line difference between stating at the bottom of a film that it was shot on a specific camera and edited on FCPX v that of suggesting that Apple / Final Cut Pro might endorse a film or product.In Europe, we always marvel at the amount of logos and posters that are removed from non-scripted factual filmed on location in US programs v that of UK productions. But these days, instead of big blurry areas on the screen, invisible effects take care of that job.
The things is, what works in one market, might not work in another – same goes with using Registered Trademarks. And, as often happens when the lawyers arrive 1/2 hour before broadcast, you’ll need to get the scissors our, or FCPX, to make corrections 😉
Mads -
Ben Balser
February 10, 2024 at 2:59 pmI’ve been a broadcast professional for over 2 decades, worked with layers on all sorts of legal issues, including this one, it’s perfectly legal here in the US.
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