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Activity Forums Apple Final Cut Pro Legacy Edit to tape wierdness

  • Edit to tape wierdness

    Posted by Jim Watt on July 7, 2007 at 12:08 am

    I’m editing a 2 hour DVCPROHD 1080i/29.97 timeline to tape. I have an HD 150 deck so I have to do it in 5 pieces. Anyway I select the first 29 minutes of video in my timeline with in and out points, drag it to my edit to tape window and everything starts up, but with no audio nor video.

    After wrestling with this a few times I opened a new sequence placed my sequence that would not edit to tape in the new sequence and it works just fine.

    Obviously, or I guess “obviously” the other timeline is corrupt or what? Anyone ever run into this before. It’s happened on two different edit systems we have.

    Computer is a dual quad core, 3ghz, 10 gigs ram & Xserve raid for a video drive, & a Kona 3 card.


    Jim Watt replied 17 years, 3 months ago 5 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Walter Biscardi

    July 7, 2007 at 10:42 am

    [Jim Watt]
    Obviously, or I guess “obviously” the other timeline is corrupt or what? Anyone ever run into this before. It’s happened on two different edit systems we have.”

    Sounds like your original Sequence does not match your Edit To Tape settings.

    If the new Sequence works fine, then something is wrong with the original sequence.

    Walter Biscardi, Jr.
    HD Editorial & Animation for Broadcast and independent productions.

    All Things Apple Podcast!

    Read my blog!

  • Jim Watt

    July 7, 2007 at 1:00 pm


    Thanks for the note, however that was the first thing i checked. For this particular project we’re doing everything in DVCPROHD, 1080i/29.97 fps. Original sequence is setup that way and so too is my edit to tape setting.

    Another interesting phenomenen happened as I was laying each part of the original sequence to the new timeline from which I’m laying to tape, several of my transitions corrupted, so that they appear to flash back to the previous scene as it dissolves to the second. In the original sequence the transition is fine in the nested one is where I have the problem.

    This is the second time I’ve seen this happen.


  • Gary Adcock

    July 7, 2007 at 1:20 pm

    [Jim Watt] “several of my transitions corrupted, so that they appear to flash back to the previous scene as it dissolves to the second.”

    then purge all your render files.

    you have a naming conflict- if all your seqs are #1 all of the render files are refering to that code number where it is for that particular SEQ or not.

    NAME EVERY SEQ and you will not have this issue.

    gary adcock
    HD & Film Consultation
    Post and Production Workflows

  • Jim Watt

    July 7, 2007 at 1:39 pm

    I name all my sequences when I begin a project, and this is the original sequence in which I began the edit.

    Since this is a 2 hour program, I’d rather not have to trash my renders & re-render the timeline if possible.


  • David Heidelberger

    July 7, 2007 at 2:28 pm

    You can probably get away with just forcing FCP to re-render the transitions that were giving you problems. Sometimes it’s a little tricky to selectively make it render things. The easiest way is to drop a slug in the track above the problem transitions, then delete it. This will make Final Cut wipe away any render files that may be corrupt. Then re-render as needed. I’m running 5.1.2 and I tend to run into problems like this if I’ve moved a project between an Intel and G5. I understand they’ve fixed that in 5.1.4 but I haven’t been able to upgrade yet.

    Not sure what to tell you on your other problem.

    – David

  • Sean Oneil

    July 7, 2007 at 4:19 pm

    Throw away your FCP preferences. I’m not just telling you some generic answer. I just had a major ETT problem with my Kona 3, and after tons of troubleshooting, a stupid little thing like trashing the prefs is what fixed it.


  • Jim Watt

    July 7, 2007 at 4:45 pm

    I had done that a couple of times, but I finally “bit the bullet” & dumped all my render files.

    Neither allowed me to edit my original timeline to tape, however I just selected each section made a new sequence, nested it and went that way.

    Thanks for all the help…jw

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