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Activity Forums Sony Cameras E-15030 and other strange HDSDI behavior

  • E-15030 and other strange HDSDI behavior

    Posted by Michael Moser on September 20, 2010 at 10:45 pm

    The HDSDI output from my PMW-350 needs to be re-set if I am to get a solid output to my HDSDI monitor.

    When I view the output after turning on the camera, I’ll get an offset horizontal b/w image on the monitor with a green line through it. If I then re-set the format (to 1080i or 720p or anything) the picture comes back perfectly fine. This doesn’t seem to affect recording or viewfinder; only the HDSDI output.

    I tried changing the output in the input/output menu and it then exhibits the E-15030 error code.
    I had to turn the camera on and off to lose the error code….then change the format again to get a clean output from the HDSDI port.

    I’ve recently upgraded to the current version and the camera seemed to be operating normally until now.
    This is a repeatable error, so something is weird or I may have a setting wrong.

    I generally shoot plain vanilla 1080i, though I noticed this problem when i switched to 1440SP 24p mode (2:3 pulldown recording to the card). It now recurs when I first turn the camera on, no matter what format I had it in when I turned it off.

    Does anybody have any ideas or troubleshooting scenarios?
    Let me know if you need any more information.
    Michael Moser

    Michael Moser replied 14 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • John Sharaf

    September 20, 2010 at 10:51 pm


    Sound like the “camera from hell”. I’m not particularly familiar with that model, but I’d try a factory reset, usually in File menu and referred to as “standard”. Another thing to confirm is that your “area’ is set to NTSC, meaning the system frequency is 59.94 (not 60hz). If all else fails, I recommend you call Sony Support Hotline 1-800-883-6817, these guys really know their stuff and have always solved my problem when I was really stumped.


  • Michael Moser

    September 20, 2010 at 11:00 pm

    Not hell yet as far as I can tell. Thanks for the advice…Just in case I’ve got an EX-1 as back up tomorrow. I think I’ll bring it along. I’ll call Sony tomorrow.

  • Michael Moser

    September 21, 2010 at 12:29 am

    I’ve done some further testing. This problem affects the HDMI as well as the HDSDI output.
    It doesn’t bother the recording process to cards, however. It looks like I’ll be calling Sony tomorrow.
    Hopefully they’ll guide me through a re-set. If anybody else is experiencing output problems, I’d like to hear about it.

    I also use the HDSDI output to record to a Ki Pro, so this is important. One interesting thing that I discovered this evening is that audio passes through (at least on the HDMI output). What does that mean? I thought audio was embedded in the video.

  • Rafael Amador

    September 21, 2010 at 4:19 pm

    [Michael Moser] “One interesting thing that I discovered this evening is that audio passes through (at least on the HDMI output). What does that mean? I thought audio was embedded in the video.”
    Is embed in SDI where you find just two wires.
    In HDMI its haves his own connexion.

  • Michael Moser

    September 21, 2010 at 9:25 pm

    After calling the Sony I was able to re-set the camera to factory presets and this seems to have solved the problem (so far). The 15030 error is a system fault and could mean the camera needs to be checked at the shop, but hopefully this will not be the case and was just a glitch.
    I’ll report further if anything happens, but hopefully that’s it.
    By the way, I have to say that the technician was knowledgeable and extremely helpful…This is what professionalism is all about.

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