Most people don’t realize what the linker is doing. It’s not linking directly to your program and watching you make changes. It’s linked to the project file, and the xml reader that the program uses (the project files are essentially xml instruction sets for the rendering engine).
Unfortunately, there have been issues with memory linkage in dynamic link and with CUDA or other accelerated graphics. There are major changes occurring at the system level where memory is concerned, as well as changes to how graphics are handled.
The dynamic link problem you describe is an old one, I think, but I’ll give you both solutions. I’ll start with the old answer.
When you link to your comp, it’s looking into the saved project file. Save your AE file, close AE and go to premiere. You should see a bar updating the files. If not, check the comp. Right click and see if there’s an update to it. Try a save and close, then reopen. It may update that way. If it renders out incorrectly, even after a save operation, the dynamic link is showing the memory issue (a new problem). Also make sure you name your comps uniquely.
Let me describe this problem for you:
Program A sends data to Program B, and Program B opens a new copy of the XML reader of Program A (but Program A has it’s own already open). Program B then sends data back to program A, which opens a new copy of the XML reader of program B, but program B is already running it in different memory. Both programs attach a separate piece of the instructions for the data, and because they don’t link to the same reader, the memory has to be copied to be linked together. However, that memory isn’t being copied because of the new way memory is protected by the system.
One solution I’ve found is drag-linking. With the premiere project open, drag your clip into AE and edit there, then drag the comp back to premiere. This associates to the xml reader each program is already running, and (I don’t know which) either forces the memory copy or simply uses the original set of xml readers. Doing so will allow the linkage to work even after closing and re-opening; again I’m not sure if there is some sort of process link id that is included in the xml, but it would make sense. The drag should work going right from AE to Premiere with a simple effect (you don’t have to start your clip in premiere). The same logic would apply as well. If you start an autosaved project, you may have to relink a comp or a clip. This means you’ll have to do a drag and replace the comp.
If it still has trouble on exporting, you may want to export within premiere first, then out to a compression with AME.