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  • Download PI while waiting cd to arrive

    Posted by Kevin Snyder on June 22, 2005 at 3:44 am

    I just bought the boxed version of PI 3.0. I was provided with a download of the program so that I can use it until my cd comes, but it only came with a few emitters. On the PI information page, it says that there are over 1200 presets that come with the program. Should the emitters be with the download or are the 1200 presets the ones found on the download page? Thanks.

    Kevin Snyder

    Kevin Snyder replied 19 years, 5 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Elvis Deane

    June 22, 2005 at 6:08 am

    The 1200 mentioned are the ones available on the download page. If you download the library viewer ShowIEL, I think it has most of the libraries included in the zip.

    The CD has all the libraries from 2002 and earlier reorganized into categories (fire, smoke, sparkles, etc)

  • Alan Lorence

    June 22, 2005 at 11:22 am

    The ShowIEL download contains a sampler library only.

    In the email you received with the download link, wasn’t there another link that has the link to download all of the libraries in one file?


  • Kevin Snyder

    June 27, 2005 at 4:20 am

    Nope, Just a link to all the individual libraries.

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