Download Cinewave codecs?
I have a project with media that was brought in to me for Color Correction & audio sweetening. It was captured (I believe) with a Cinewave card from a Panasonic Varicam tape, but at I’m told, standard defination and not HD. Regular old SDI 601 type video. I don’t know what settings were used for capture and so far this morning, I haven’t had any luck contacting the client to find out.
As I suspected, I cannot play back the video or the sequence. “Codec missing” is the expected error that pops up. I use an AJA Io for my system and not a Cinewave.
My question. Can I just download the drivers/codecs from the cinewave website, install them and then play the files back? Could it be that simple?
Any insights would be helpful before downloading/installing something that might not work.
Thanks in advance.