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Activity Forums RE:Vision Effects Does ReFlex calculate masks in a hierarchical manner – same like how AE operates on Masks (top-down)?

  • Peter Litwinowicz

    March 2, 2017 at 11:44 pm

    Does not matter, because we just warp/morph as if one big rubbery sheet.

    If you need to have the hand absolutely be in front of the face, you might attempt to perform the morph in layers (yes, that means roto!)

  • Roland R. kahlenberg

    March 4, 2017 at 12:44 am

    Now, where’s the Auto-roto Button?


    – Roland

    TypeGEMs – the Definitive Type Gizmo for AE

    Intensive mocha & AE Training in Singapore and Other Dangerous Locations
    Adobe After Effects CC ACE/ACI
    Imagineer Systems (mocha) Certified Instructor

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