Disguising FOA Multitrack session behind an Au 5.1 project?
Hi everyone, I’ll be sincere: I’ve yet wrote a pretty similar question on the official Adobe Audition forum, but I didn’t find the answer I was searching for.
The point is: I’m going to start an ambisonic project, I’d use Adobe Audition for cleaning, balancing and reparing (healing brush) the FOA clips one by one, then I’d use Reaper for the FOA multitrack editing/mixing. My goal is remaining in Audition to make everything, including the FOA multitrack. I know that Audition is not precisely suited for ambisonic multitrack (the only option is 5.1). Anyway, 5.1 implies 6 channels, then theoretically I have all the channels I need for a FOA session.
I’d set in this way:
– Master track in 5.1;
– All the other tracks must be 5.1 too (even when they contain non-FOA clips, for example stereo clips);
– Only plugins that are specifically designed for multichannel/ambisonic (like for example the wonderful free IEM Suite by Felix Holzmüller);
– In order to monitor the result with my audio system (for example stereo or 5.1 up to 7.1.4) I’d temporarily add the Soundfield plugin by Rode to the Master track;
– And for the headphones, I’d add the IEM BinauralDecoder plugin to the Master track (in place of the Rode plugin).Theoretically, all this should work ONLY IF I’m sure that Audition doesn’t “treat” the 4th channel (LFE) in any way (no bandpass or whatsoever filter, nor metadata). In othe words, Audition must be “neutral”
about all the track/clip channels leaving them as they are).What do you think about? Is it possible to do that in Audition?
Thanks in advance for your kind help.