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Activity Forums Live Events & Streaming Digital Signage Rotation with EP4320

  • Digital Signage Rotation with EP4320

    Posted by Ted Irving on June 3, 2019 at 8:59 pm

    couldn’t find another CC forum for digital signage so hopefully I get some help here. It’s been hard as hell to create content shot in 16:9 for a vertical monitor. This monitor has no rotation function. I have no edit software. Basically dropping the video into a 9:16 powerpoint. Then exporting the powerpoint as a Mp4. But I still have to rotate it. MPEGStreamclip only rotates it inside of the 9:16 space causing it to get clipped and the top cut off. Doesn’t even fill the 9:16 space correctly. Anyone have any solutions?

    Ted Irving
    ENG Cinematographer

    Vince Becquiot replied 5 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Vince Becquiot

    June 8, 2019 at 12:17 am

    The way this usually works:

    You would design in 9:16, then use Premiere (or free editing software like Resolve) or After effects to drop that sequence/composition into a 16:9 one and export as 16:9.

    Just make sure to coordinate which way the monitor will be flipped (clockwise or counterclockwise) so that you can do the same on your end.

    If it’s clipped after that, the TV may be set to overscan, sometimes they have a setting like exact fit, or pixel to pixel.

    Vince Becquiot

    Indigo Live | Kaptis Media

    San Francisco Bay Area

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