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Activity Forums Adobe Premiere Pro Digibeta tapes with closed captioning

  • Digibeta tapes with closed captioning

    Posted by Cristian Delgadillo on March 20, 2023 at 8:25 pm

    Hi All,

    We’ve got a large project where we need to ingest Digibeta tapes to Apple ProRes files and preserve the closed captioning that exists on the tapes.

    So far, we have done some tests where the closed captioning is being saved into the embedded ProRes file, however, Premiere Pro doesn’t understand this.

    The current workflow is to capture the tapes with PP, then ingest the footage using Magix Vegas.

    Vegas, once ingesting the footage, builds peaks and references the embedded closed captioning. In addition to creating a PEK file for its peaks, it will also send out a SCC file with closed captioning data.

    We can ingest this data into PP, but this is an extra step PP should be able to avoid.

    Does anybody have any suggestions on this workflow?


    Usama Aslam replied 1 year, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Usama Aslam

    March 30, 2023 at 9:30 pm

    Hi Cristian,

    Based on your description, one possible solution could be to use a different software for the initial capture of the tapes, one that can preserve the closed captioning information in a format that Premiere Pro can understand. Some options to consider are Final Cut Pro or Avid Media Composer, both of which have robust closed captioning workflows and support for ProRes files. You could capture the tapes using one of these software programs and then export the ProRes files with embedded closed captioning, which should be compatible with Premiere Pro.

    Alternatively, if you prefer to stick with Premiere Pro for the initial capture of the tapes, you could try using a third-party plugin or tool to extract the closed captioning data from the embedded ProRes files and convert it into a format that Premiere Pro can read. There are several tools available for this, such as Caption Converter or Subtitle Edit.

    Overall, the key is to find a workflow that allows you to preserve the closed captioning information while minimizing the number of steps required to ingest and edit the footage.

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