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Activity Forums Apple Final Cut Pro Legacy Differences between ITU 601 and 701

  • Differences between ITU 601 and 701

    Posted by Paulo Jan on August 5, 2007 at 4:42 pm

    Hi all:

    From what I’ve read, the color space used by SD video is CCIR-601, while the one in all the HD formats (DVCPRO HD, HDV) is ITU-R 709. My questions are:

    -What’s the difference between these two color spaces, from a practical point of view? Just as an example: when creating graphics for SD, I’ve always been told to keep brightness levels between 16 and 235. Is it the same for HD? Are there any similar caveats?

    -If I use the new feature in FCS2 to monitor external video in a different resolution than the one of the sequence (say, if I monitor a DVCPRO HD timeline in using “Apple Firewire PAL”), will FCP convert automatically between color spaces?

    Thanks in advance,


    Rafael Amador replied 17 years, 5 months ago 3 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Paulo Jan

    August 5, 2007 at 4:43 pm
  • Rafael Amador

    August 6, 2007 at 6:09 am

    Hi paulo,
    Colorimethry is a quite complicated sciencie. Difficult to understand and difficukt to explain. At least for me:-)
    From a practical point of view you should care about this two standards if you are monitoring with an external CRT monitor. A profesional monitor allows to change to C601 or C709 depending if you will use for SD or HD. This affect to the behavior of the phosphorus of the monitor.
    If you want to get a better idea about those matters I would recommend you to download few docs that will help you:
    – Video levels in Final Cut Pro. By Graeme Nattress.
    _ Chroma sampling: An investigation. Also by Graeme Nattress. You can download this two articles in the or in (Los Angeles FC Users group).
    – Merging computing with studio video: Converting between RGB and 422. By Charles Poynton. You may download it in:

    Those articles are a “must-read” for any video-graphics maker.

  • Uli Plank

    August 6, 2007 at 9:36 am

    Thanks for the link!

    Reading Charles Poynton is a must!



  • Rafael Amador

    August 6, 2007 at 11:19 am

    Hi Uli,
    Some body in this forum, few months ago, send me the link to:
    “YUV and luminance considered harmful: A plea for precise terminology in video.” (also by Charles Poynton). Great. Made me realize that I was too missusing the old analog concepts.
    BTW, I would like to ask you one question: I’m planning to go jump to the “HD World’ by the next year. No hurry untill now because one of the issues to forsee was the archiving of footage. Now with the Blue-ray I think this will be solved.
    Untill now I was thinking of DVCProHD as the best option. Or perhaps the only affordable option for a real HD format. I havent consider HDV and so. I may be wrong but I see those as domestic format.
    I was thinking about the Panasonic-HVX200 (I must stuck with a small format camera for many reasons), but now I heard about the XDCAM-EX (?) that SONY intend to launch some time.
    Compairing XDCAM with DVCProHD, they were two matters that didn’t appeal me from the XDCAM: MPG2 and not too high bit-rate (18-25-35mbs, against the almost 100mbs and intraframe of the DVCProHD).
    But I’m reading more and more of very serious video-makers using XDCAM (very long threads in the CineAlta forum) and very happy about it. Also they say that the work-flow (using flash-memory or so) will be much more easy and relayable than with the P2.
    What do you think about?
    I’ve just read in one of your posts that you can speak spanish so next time perhaps I will write you in my language. I’m about to forget it and I need to practice it:-)
    Un saludo,

  • Uli Plank

    August 6, 2007 at 1:26 pm

    Hola Rafael,

    tengo que practicar tambien, pero ahora yo gustarei responder en Ingles 😉

    Don’t believe that DVCProHD is that much superior

  • Rafael Amador

    August 6, 2007 at 4:14 pm

    Muchas gracias Uli,
    Yes better wait. Because is not only the camera. Is mew “Big Mac”. A Raid. An HD video-ard. The HD Input-card for the monitor. A Blue-ray…WAWWW
    I you haven’t see yet the model I told you, please have a loo here:

    I think can put the the things very difficult for the Panasonic HVX-200.
    For me this would be enough. Here in Laos nobody will pay me the extra quality, but if I want to do something for abroad is time to start to think HD.
    Un saludo.

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