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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Decklink on MacPro (Steve?)

  • Decklink on MacPro (Steve?)

    Posted by Chris Smith on December 2, 2006 at 4:52 pm

    (Cross posted in Decklink forum)

    Was using a Decklink Xtreme the last few years on a G5. Just switched to a MacPro and realised it neeed PCIe only so I got a Decklink Xtreme HD. With Intel native apps like FCP, it works perfectly. But in non-Intel native apps I get odd glitches in the video and audio here and there. But also, the AE interaction preview is now only updated upon mouse release. For example when dragging a layer around the comp window, I no longer see the changes in realtime.

    Is the glitching and intermittdant updates a product of AE non being Intel compliant? Or should I be looking at the Decklink as the possible problem here? Anybody else experience this or just me?

    Chris Smith

    Steve Roberts replied 18 years ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Steve Roberts

    December 2, 2006 at 10:12 pm

    My Decklink SP is in the ol’ G5, so sorry Chris, I can’t help here.

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