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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Expressions death of an android

  • death of an android

    Posted by Gene Torres on April 11, 2005 at 4:17 pm

    I am helping a friend with his sci-fi movie and I was hoping some of you might have ideas concerning a scene I am working on. In the scene an android similar to Data from Star Trek is dying. He is supposed to malfuntion and collapse over. I was thinking of electrical zaps and sparks coming out of him. I went to the lightning filter, but it looks so out of the box. What techniques would you use to simulate electrical mayhem going on? Thank you.

    Tomogomo replied 19 years, 8 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Tomsmall

    April 11, 2005 at 4:25 pm

    try using differnet blending modes, try compositing the lightning on a solid in front or behind and play with the belnding modes. I also created a similar effect by setting the start and end points of the lightning to random motion expressions. which creates the kind of electrical havoc youre describing. check out dan ebberts site hes got alot of great stuff on creating random motion expressions.

  • Michael Szalapski

    April 11, 2005 at 6:55 pm

    Sparks are always good for something robotic when it kicks off and goes to that Great Rust Bucket In the Sky. Use Particular or ParticleIllusion or even Particle Playground to achieve them. Also death is seen in the eyes (not that I’ve seen death up close…very often… and anyway you can’t prove I did it!!!) so I’d try to do something to the eyes (unless they’re closed…)
    Smoke, like sparks, is also good for electronics when they bite the bullet.

    A lot of effects are sold by the sound. Make sure your sound is up to snuff.

    Sparks, smoke, lightning (as suggested above), and sound should get you there. But there are always more things you could do to add to this effect.

    – The Great Szalam
    (The ‘Great’ stands for ‘Not So Great)

    No trees were harmed in the creation of this message, but several thousand electrons were mildly inconvenienced.

  • Tomogomo

    April 11, 2005 at 10:26 pm


    best You could do is to light Your subject during shooting a little
    ie: random flashes of blue tinted light in places you want to add sparks after. It will GREATLY add reality to Your composition. Adding smoke sparks and blending modes afterwards is a must of course

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