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Activity Forums ARRI D21 Proxy QT dailies: top tools

  • D21 Proxy QT dailies: top tools

    Posted by Andrei Nazarov on August 16, 2010 at 8:53 am

    What is you tools of choice for D21 footage for converting to proxy if its feature movie?
    Is there some command-line script controlled solution?

    Fred Jodry replied 14 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Fred Jodry

    August 16, 2010 at 9:20 pm

    Remember that the D21 has an ARRIRAW without ProRes workflow.

    The biggest visual list to the workflow is
    (htp://)? You will have to hand type this search into the internet as there`s no introduction to it (at present) in Please note that Creative, Technical, and Budget, are the home headings in the main website, not Home.

    This list as well as many of the exchanges in the topic, ARRI vs. RED, around 5 topics below this has information. Look for exchanges from April 13, onwards through most of the posts. (This is the most express answer to your question but use all the rest).

    Join (with Forum).

    There are miscellaneous discussions about software like, Pablo, Pomfort Silverstack, etc. to be found.

    Hardware like the software falls into 3 categories, 1. ARRI Partner Program approved list (meets the 7? requirements). Look through ARRI archives and telecine too.
    2. Other equipment that works (hint, join and mention ARRIRAW).
    3. Stuff that doesn`t work, like SXS card readers that don`t work, or hardware in general, that`s not had software supporting it.

    You mentioned features. It would be good to see if you`ll actually need multiple outputs like daily stills for publishing, rushes for dailies, next to your (feature film burns?). Hardware to continue: There is practically no discussions on live mixing whether mixing all ARRI inputs or mixing ARRI inputs with “interview cameras”, news feeds, and more. Hardware next to the mixer board could include AJA Kona 3 or LHi cards and converters here and there (fortunately self frame synchronizing if fed properly), and there`s a minor discussion somewhere about if a converter card called a Bluefish444 Epoch|2K is usefull for bumpdowns but I think it happens to be a RAW/software/ProRes? mismatch.

    E-mail Michael Bravin at ARRI for direct information in latest developments in the ARRI Partner Program.

    I think I put you in big shape for this, Fred

    D21 Proxy QT dailies: top tools
    by Andrei Nazarov on Aug 16, 2010 at 4:53:13 am
    What is you tools of choice for D21 footage for converting to proxy if its feature movie?
    Is there some command-line script controlled solution?

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