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Activity Forums Apple Final Cut Pro X Cutting into the timeline without moving everything over

  • Cutting into the timeline without moving everything over

    Posted by cynthia lester on January 12, 2023 at 9:50 pm

    I’m just learning FCP x again after first learning it in film school back in 1999! So please help me! Every time I add a new clip to exchange for a new one, it moves the rest of the clips out of sync with the voice over track I laid down. Also, if I want to select part of the timeline and move just the selected clips ( ex: minute 2-4min) it won’t let me is also taking the first 1min, they are connected to a black space that starts at the beginning and wont let me take just the selected part of the timeline. Thank you for your help! Very much appreciated! Life-saver!

    Ben Balser replied 1 year, 10 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Chris Northcross

    January 18, 2023 at 4:31 pm

    Could you post a screen grab of your timeline? I think it would help to contextualize things.

  • Craig Seeman

    January 18, 2023 at 5:40 pm

    It seems that you haven’t yet watched tutorials on how the magnetic timeline works. There are many of varying quality free online but a search on YouTube will give you a few to watch. If there’s a large number of views you may have hit on the better tutorials. You’ll have a plethora of workflow issues until you grasp the magnetic timeline.

    There are no “tracks” in FCPx. You can add a VO Clip and/or create a Secondary Story Line. They will attach to a clip in the Primary Storyline. You can move that attached point. You can temporarily disable the magnetic timeline. If none of this makes sense you really need to watch tutorials first.

  • Ben Balser

    January 23, 2023 at 5:19 pm

    Strongly suggest doing an FCPX training, and forget how other NLEs work, FCPX isn’t the same thing, at all. Try this article.

    Q – Connect the Clip

    W – Insert the clip

    E – Append the clip

    D – Overwrite the clip

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