CSS Animation – DIV from top:200px to top:0px
Hello there !! I need some help to resolve some doubts in CSS !! If you can help me I will appreciate !!
First visit the link: https://terezanininha.com.br/CSS/Animations/Pagina_1_TryIt_3.html
See the ‘Source Code’ from the browser !
What am I trying to do ??!!
I want that the div element, make move animation, comes from {top:200px} to {top:0px} !!
In this example, I found two erros:
– First Error: When the div is automatically start moving, if I put my mouse into it, before it´s finished, the div gives a jump directly to the top !! “I don´t want that” ! I want if I place the mouse pointer until it´s moving, that don´t make the div to jump !! I want that don´t happen nothing if I place the mouse until is moving!!
– Second Error: After the div comes to top, If I put the mouse into it, it´s change the color, made by animation ! But after that, when I put the mouse pointer out, the div again comes to top:200px and start the movement to the top:0px again !! What I want is: that the div moves only “one time” and “stops” at top:0px !! And after stop, the change div color mouse over keeps active !!
I tried searching in the internet but I didn´t found something that resolve this two problems !!
If it is possible, Can you give a hand ??