CS5 to CS6 Link Media problem after “Collect Files and Copy to New Location”
A CS5 project was saved via Project Manger->Collect Files and Copy to New Location. That folder tree was taken on a portable hard drive to another PC running CS6, where I get numerous errors trying to open the project:
– “Where is the file 00032.m2t?”
I then tell it the location, which then gives the error:
– “Where is the file 00032.xmp?”
When I tell it the file location, it then gives this error:
– “File import failure”, “File format not supported”
I then click cancel, it loads the project, but many clips are red “Media Offline”.
For each of those offline clips I can right-click->Reveal in Project, then in the Project Panel, right-click->Link Media, point to the the media and it loads it.
However many of these clips are all in the same folder — the folder CS5 put them during “Collect Files and Copy to New Location”. Even those in different folders are in the place CS5 put them.
How do I avoid laboriously re-linking each file? I thought the entire purpose of “Collect Files and Copy to New Location” was to avoid this?